Community policing for Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg is provided by Anishinabek Police Services.
Pic River & Pic Mobert Detachment
20 Pic River Road, PO Box 218
Heron Bay, ON P0T 1R0
Tel: (807) 229-2242
Fax: (807) 229-0145
Toll-free: 1-800-438-5638
Website: www.apscops.org
On March 30, 1992, a five year Ontario First Nations Policing Agreement was signed by Grand Council Treaty #3, Nishnawbe-Aski Nation, A.I.A.I., Anishinabek Nation, Six Nations and the Provincial and Federal Government.
In 1994, Garden River, Curve Lake, Sagamok and Saugeen First Nations were the original communities to form the Anishinabek Police Service. At this time it was also decided that Garden River would be home to Headquarters because geographically it is situated in the center of the province.
In 1996, a three year agreement was endorsed to include 13 more First Nations. In I997, two more First Nations joined the Police Service, bringing the total to 19 First Nations, spread over the province of Ontario.
The Police Service expanded its internal supports with the creation of our Crime Unit and Professional Standards Bureau. During the last twenty years we have seen many members seconded to Ontario Police College. RCMP IBET, RCMP MSET and OPP CDAT positions. The APS has standing at the CISO and is presently in a long term agreement with the RCMP to fund an Intelligence Position.
The Police Service has had many changes to the makeup of the member communities and currently sits at 16 member communities.