ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: Netimizaagamig Nishnaabeg Chief & Council along with the Emergency Pandemic Response Team has implemented a safety measures to protect the citizens. Please keep informed through our website and Facebook page for regular updates. Stay safe.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19 and the new measure implemented, you can contact us at:
Further to the recent update provided on this matter, in light of the continued very serious and uncertain conditions with respect to the COVID 19 pandemic, and the ongoing stay at home and lockdown measures, the Council has decided to defer the Band Council elections to November 27, 2021. This decision was made at a duly convened meeting of the Chief and Council held on Wednesday, April 14, 2021.
This decision was made under the authority of the ”First Nations Election Cancellation and Postponement Regulations (Prevention of Diseases)”, which were recently extended by Canada, and empowers Councils to cancel or defer elections due to the pandemic for up to 6 months, as long as the elections are held on or before December 31, 2021. The Pic Mobert First Nation holds its elections under the First Nations Elections Act (FNEA).
According to Indigenous Services Canada, between April 8, 2020, and March 22, 2021, 116 First Nations used these regulations to postpone elections to avoid COVID-19 outbreaks.
The regulations state the following for First Nations holding elections under the FNEA:
Extension of term
3 (1) Despite subsection 28(1) of the First Nations Elections Act, if the extension is necessary to prevent, mitigate or control the spread of diseases on the reserve, the council of a First Nation whose chief and councillors are elected under that Act may, within 90 days before the day on which a term of office of the chief and councillors ends, extend that term.
Measure to be taken
(2) A council that extends the term of the chief and councillors must, at the same time and despite sections 5 and 6 of that Act, either
(a) cancel the election in accordance with subsection (3); or
(b) postpone the election in accordance with subsection (4).
The Council believes that this decision is needed to protect public health as efforts to vaccinate all persons continues, and the new variants appear to be affecting younger persons who may not yet be eligible to receive the vaccine.
The Council will continue to monitor the ongoing pandemic conditions on an ongoing basis and will consult with and advise the membership should any further adjustments be required.
The Council wishes to respect the rights of our members, while also acting responsibly to ensure that a fair and accessible election process can be carried out without creating health and safety risks for our members and their families.
Comments and questions from the membership are welcomed and can be directed to any member of Council or by sending an email to goverance@picmobert.ca
Chief and Council, Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg
In light of the continued very serious conditions with respect to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Chief and Council have been reconsidering plans for various events scheduled for the summer of 2021.
The health and safety of the community is, of course, our highest priority. There have been many sacrifices made by our community in the last year in order to keep COVID 19 out, which to date has been successful. In recent weeks, we have also completed two vaccination clinics in Mobert, and are working on additional ones for those who were unable to participate in these. Our clinics were accessible to all of our resident members; doses that were not committed to a resident, were made available to our off-reserve members on a contingency basis.
Having said this, it is clear that the pandemic is not over yet, and as such now is not the time to let our guard down. As a result, Council is considering postponing the Band Council election scheduled for July 27, 2021.
We have considered options including possibly using on-line voting, however this option is not possible under the authority of the First Nations Elections Act, which is the legislation that we hold our elections under.
On April 7, 2021, the Government of Canada issued the ”First Nations Election Cancellation and Postponement Regulations (Prevention of Diseases)”, which empowers Councils to cancel or defer elections due to the pandemic. Click here for a copy of the regulations. The Pic Mobert First Nation holds its elections under the First Nations Elections Act (FNEA) – the new regulations state the following for First Nations holding elections under the FNEA:
Extension of term
3 (1) Despite subsection 28(1) of the First Nations Elections Act, if the extension is necessary to prevent, mitigate or control the spread of diseases on the reserve, the council of a First Nation whose chief and councillors are elected under that Act may, within 90 days before the day on which a term of office of the chief and councillors ends, extend that term.
Measure to be taken
(2) A council that extends the term of the chief and councillors must, at the same time and despite sections 5 and 6 of that Act, either
(a) cancel the election in accordance with subsection (3); or
(b) postpone the election in accordance with subsection (4).
The Council will meet during the week of April 12, 2021 to table a band council resolution that would postpone the election for a period of 6 months, with a new election date on/about January 26, 2022.
It is the intention of the Council that prior to this date, that the Council will also continue to advance and put forward a new custom election code that would need to be ratified by the membership.
The Council wishes to respect the rights of our members, while also acting responsibly to ensure that a fair and accessible election process can be carried out without creating health and safety risks for our members and their families.
Comments and questions from the membership are welcomed and can be directed to any member of Council or by sending an email to goverance@picmobert.ca
Chief and Council, Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg
Thunder Bay District Health Unit Returning to Grey – Lockdown – Effective tonight at midnight, until further notice.
This decision was made in light of the high number of cases and daily new cases within the Thunder Bay District.
While many recent cases have been within the City of Thunder Bay, there are cases in the District including in Manitouwadge and other First Nations.
There are presently no cases reported for Mobert.
During lockdown, restrictions in the region will be tightened in several ways including:
Prohibiting indoor organized public events and social gatherings, except with members of the same household (individuals who live alone may have exclusive close contact with another household to help reduce the negative aspects of social isolation).
Limiting outdoor gatherings to 10 people, when physical distancing can be maintained.
Prohibiting indoor or outdoor service at restaurants and bars (take out, drive through and delivery is permitted).
Closing all indoor or outdoor sports and recreation facilities (including the gym), expect in the case of day camps or child care.
For citizens of Mobert, this also means that:
You should not be visiting other residences and should limit contact to persons inside of your household
All persons must not travel except for essential services such as medical appointments and grocery shopping
All travel, except absolutely essential travel, to Thunder Bay, should be avoided
Any persons that must travel to Thunder Bay for essential purposes must contact the Health Centre for instructions for safe travel and conditions for returning to Mobert – this will include mandatory self-isolation and COVID testing
Highschool and Mobert school students will return to virtual learning beginning on March 1, 2021.
Persons who break the rules can be charged under the Ndsetmizaagamig Nishnaabeg COVID by-law and/or the Reopening Ontario Act, which can result in fines for persons organizing or attending any indoor event of up to $100,000 and jail terms of up to 1 year.
APS will be monitoring and enforcing compliance, and we are counting on your cooperation in order to avoid any charges being laid.
Please note that all other announced precautionary measures remain in effect.
Concerning Band operations:
All First Nation buildings and facilities, including the school will remain closed until further notice
Essential staff will continue to report to work as directed by their managers and others will be working from home
All mine employees will continue to report to work as scheduled
Vaccinations are expected to commence in Mobert as early as the week of March 8, 2021
The Health Team will be coordinating appointments and will provided up to date information as it is confirmed.
The Clinics will be held in Mobert at the community centre.
Miigwetch, be safe and baamapii!
Pandemic Team
Netmizaagamig Nishnaabeg
COVID Update – February 7, 2021
This is an update on COVID conditions and a few changes to our community COVID precautions:
The stay at home order and lock down in Ontario remains in effect until at least February 11, 2021 – the government will provide an update early this week.
As such, all measures announced prior to Christmas remain in effect including a closure of all community buildings (except to essential service providers) and the suspension of all in person gatherings (including in private residences).
Remember, until further notice:
Indoor organized public events and social gatherings are not permitted except with members of the same household
Families should not visit any other household or allow visitors in their homes
Individuals who live alone and single parents may consider having exclusive, close contact with another household to help reduce the negative impacts of social isolation
Maintain two metres of physical distancing from everyone outside of your household (who you do not live with)
Wear a face covering indoors; outdoors if physical distancing cannot be maintained; or if wearing one is required
Avoid all non-essential travel to other communities until further notice
Grocery stores will remain open (and you are allowed to go grocery shopping to Marathon, White River and other area communities), although most other businesses will be closed to in person shopping, or completely closed, during the lockdown
Stores will be limiting the number of people allowed in at any time, so lineups may happen – please try to limit shopping trips to only one person from your household – stores may only allow one person per family in the store
All of our First Nation buildings are closed to the public except for essential services and many of our staff continue to work remotely
There were 2 positive cases recorded at the Valard Camp in White River.
There have been 2 positive cases reported at the Valard Camp in White River. These cases, along with their 2 close contacts, have been in quarantine since they began to show symptoms. All other persons who may have been in contact with these persons were instructed to self-isolate and were tested. No other positive tests have been reported to date.
The number of active cases in the Algoma and Thunder Bay health units remains high, although are largely associated with several outbreaks in institutions.
All non-essential travel and social interactions should continue to be avoided, as has been recommended for many months.
Our citizens are reminded that you may not be allowed to enter a health care facility in the Thunder Bay District Health Unit (e.g. in Marathon, Thunder Bay) if you have travelled to the Algoma District Health Unit (e.g. White River, Wawa, Sault Ste. Marie) within the last 14 days. The same applies if you try to enter a health care facility in the Algoma Health Unit when travelling for Mobert or anywhere else in the Thunder Bay District Health Unit.
While we are not requiring self-isolation for travel to the Sault Ste. Marie or Thunder Bay, we would urge any persons who MUST travel there for essential business to self-isolate on return. This is the safest path to ensure that our citizens in Mobert are kept safe.
All persons who travel outside of Northern Ontario for any reason must self-isolate on return to Mobert.
Persons travelling outside of Northern Ontario will still need to contact the Health Centre prior to their travel to develop a plan for return, and self-isolation is required on return.
Please remember – all of Ontario remains under a stay at home order until February 11, 2021. Please continue to avoid any contact with persons outside of your household, and if it is essential, then continue to practice social distancing and the use of masks at all times.
Remember, when you do not follow our precautions, you are not only taking chances for your own health, but the health and lives of our entire community. PLEASE BE HONEST AND DO NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES!
All current gate procedures remain in full effect, and we are continuing to discourage any non-essential travel in and out of the community, and always with precautions.
Please – always answer the questions you are asked by the gate security honestly. We depend on your honesty in order to protect the health of your family and the entire community. WE EACH HAVE A PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECT ONE ANOTHER.
If you know of anyone who has broken the rules, please report them to security or the Health Centre who will follow-up appropriately.
Conditions are changing quickly at times and we will update the community as the situation develops and is better understood.
Stay safe, keep social distancing and use your masks!
Pandemic Team
EDUCATION UPDATE - January 17, 2021
Due to the recent outbreak of cases of COVID at the Vallard Camp in Marathon, and a recent Pandemic Team Meeting today at 2 PM the Day Care and Netamisakomik Centre will be closed effectively immediately until further notice.
Students will do virtual learning and booklets.
For further information and updates please see our School Web Page.
Thanks Stan Sabourin
Education Manager
COVID UPDATE – January 17, 2021
This will provide an update on the COVID pandemic conditions as of today’s date.
Outbreak Reported at Valard Camp in Marathon – New Precautionary Measures in Effect, Effective Immediately
Our First Nation officials were (last night) informed of an outbreak at Valard’s worker camp in Marathon.
As of this time, we are aware that 6 persons have tested positive, with a further 15 awaiting tests to confirm their condition.
All of these persons have been brought to an isolation centre in Thunder Bay are are in strict isolation.
In the meantime, all persons who were in the Valard camp were placed on lockdown yesterday – this affects some 210 people who are all being tested at the camp site.
We are not aware of any cases in any other of the surrounding communities as of this time.
At this time, we are not aware of any Mobert residents who are affected by this outbreak, but we are monitoring the conditions carefully and have been assured of regular updates as they happen.
If you work directly for Valard and/or you have been in the Valard camp since January 4, 2021, and you have been in Mobert since January 4, 2021, please contact our Health Centre, your supervisor at Valard, or the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and identify yourself for further instructions.
In the meantime, we are enacting the following additional measures effective immediately:
The Mobert school will move to remote learning beginning Monday, January 18, 2021. This will be reviewed weekly. Highschool students will continue with remote learning.
All First Nation employees who reside in Mobert are not to report to work in Mobert unless they have been deemed essential by their Managers.
Managers will make best efforts to reduce the number of staff deemed essential until the current situation is better understood.
All Mobert residents and First Nation staff should avoid travel to Marathon except for absolutely essential purposes (e.g. medical appointments).
Please remember – all of Ontario remains under a stay at home order until February 11, 2021. Please continue to avoid any contact with persons outside of your household, and if it is essential, then continue to practice social distancing and the use of masks at all times.
Conditions are changing quickly at times and we will update the community as the situation develops and is better understood.
Miigwetch and stay safe!
Netmizaagamig Nishnaabeg Pandemic Team
COVID Update – January 8, 2021
This is an update on COVID conditions and a few changes to our community COVID precautions:
Ontario has extended the lockdown for Northern Ontario to January 23, 2021.
As such, all measures announced prior to Christmas remain in effect including a closure of all community buildings (except to essential service providers) and the suspension of all in person gatherings (including in private residences).
All cases in Marathon and Manitouwadge have been resolved.
Therefore, we are not requiring any special conditions for travel between Mobert and these communities at this time.
The number of active cases in Thunder Bay has dropped significantly in the last couple of weeks.
As such, we are no longer requiring self-isolation for persons returning from trips to Thunder Bay.
The number of active cases has been growing in the Algoma Health Unit, especially Sault Ste. Marie
While we are not requiring self-isolation for travel to the Sault Ste. Marie but would advise our resident citizens to avoid non-essential travel to the Sault Ste. Marie if possible.
Travel outside of Northern Ontario is not recommended.
Persons travelling outside of Northern Ontario will still need to contact the Health Centre prior to their travel to develop a plan for return, and self-isolation is required on return.
All current gate procedures remain in full effect, and we are continuing to discourage any non-essential travel in and out of the community, and always with precautions.
Stay safe, keep social distancing and use your masks!
Miigwetch and happy new year!
Update on COVID Matters – December 8, 2020
The following is a brief update on the COVID situation and conditions as of today.
10 Active Cases now in Marathon- Testing Available in Mobert
3 additional positive cases were announced yesterday bringing the total number of active cases to 10.
A positive case has also been reported in Manitouwadge.
There is evidence of community spread in Marathon.
There are still no confirmed cases in Mobert.
All persons who were potentially in contact with a positive case at the Barrick mine site have been contacted and are self-isolating.
All of our health and social services staff are scheduled for COVID testing.
Community clinics for COVID testing will be held in Mobert on December 9 and again on December 14 – please consult with the health centre to schedule an appointment.
Why aren’t we on a lockdown?
Our First Nation introduced new guidelines and restrictions a couple of weeks ago in response to the first positive COVID case being announced.
We considered a lockdown, but instead are strongly recommending that our citizens follow the guidelines and precautions that we have announced. Lockdowns bring with them a whole set of challenges and health issues as we experienced earlier this year. There are challenges with people accessing essential needs and services, and due to health risks and precautions, we don’t necessarily have enough staff to safely provide the extra demands of being on lockdown.
We locked down during the first wave of COVID because no one anywhere in the world really understood the virus on how to best protect yourself with them. It’s months later and now we understand the precautions that can help protect us from and carry on life while the virus is still circulating.
As a reminder, here are the measures that are currently in place for Mobert:
Mobert continues under Stage 2 – Controlled Access – this means that:
All Mobert residents are strongly advised to avoid non-essential trips to Marathon and Manitouwadge until further notice and should consider White River or other communities for grocery shopping and accessing other essential goods and services
All non-essential staff who reside in Marathon and Manitouwadge will be required to work from home until further notice – Managers will identify who is an essential staff with the CEO, and this will include most of our Health and Social teams
Any employees who are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with COVID are required to stay away from work until their symptoms resolve (this has been effect for several months now)
All non-essential employee trips to Marathon and Manitowadge are cancelled – employees are directed to utilize shops and services from White River (or other communities except Thunder Bay) until further notice
Only essential service providers will be allowed to enter the community, and even then they will be subject to strict screening procedures
Any visits to Mobert by non-residents, including immediate family and friends, should be avoided if possible
All persons entering Mobert will be subjected to a full screening including completing a COVID questionnaire and temperature screening – we will also ask if they were in Marathon and provide advice on not travelling there for the short-term
Highschool students and Mobert school students will continue under remote learning until after the Christmas holidays
In addition to these measures, our citizens who are under a physicians care should consult with their physician on any additional measures that they should follow.
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit today reported 114 (which includes the 10 in Marathon).
While the entire Thunder Bay District Health Unit area including Mobert is now under an “Orange” zone, we are concerned that with the growing number of cases in Thunder Bay and therefore are maintain the following procedures:
All Mobert residents should continue to avoid all non-essential travel to Thunder Bay and outside of Northern Ontario until further notice.
· Essential travel would include trips to attend an important medical appointment, access counselling or other similar services that you cannot complete over a video or conference call, to visit someone in your immediate family who is seriously ill (if you are can confirm that you will be allowed to visit them in hospital, etc.), to attend a funeral, and others (please consult with our Health Dept. for further guidance)
Persons who need to make an essential trip to Thunder Bay or outside of Northern Ontario must:
Contact our Health Department (Shelly Livingston, Manager) before the travel to receive instructions and guidance;
Provide us with information on your travel plans including departure and return dates;
On return, complete a COVID screening questionnaire and temperature scan; and
Contact the Health Manager immediately on your return for further instructions, which may include self-isolation and/or a COVID test, if precautions and conditions of travel were not followed.
Persons who make non-essential trips (e.g shopping, visits) to Thunder Bay or outside of Northern Ontario will be required to self-isolate for 14 days or until such time as they have provided a negative COVID test.
No non-essential visitors from Thunder Bay are permitted, and in the event of an essential visitor, non-residents must self-isolate for 14 days or until such time as they have provided a negative COVID test.
In addition, no visitors from outside of all other areas of Northern Ontario, including Manitoba, will be permitted at this tim
Resident Mine Workers are on a temporary leave
In an effort to further protect our community, we have negotiated a paid leave for our mine workers at Barrick that live in Mobert so that they can stay at home and avoid circulating in the community. This is because Mobert is a close knit and small indigenous community and has much higher public risks than other non-indigenous communities. That is, we need to continue to do everything to keep possible COVID exposures out of Mobert.
Based on current information, that last known possible contact with a positive contact at the mine occurred on November 29, 2020 and all of those possible contacts have been identified, contacted and are self-isolating.
Employees who live outside of Mobert who have unique health issues or who are just uneasy about returning to work now, do have options and should contact their supervisor at White Lake LP to discuss these.
Vaccines are Coming
Canada has recently announced that the first COVID vaccines will be delivered before the end of the year.
Vaccines are distributed by the federal government to the Provinces.
Ontario has announced that Indigenous adults, especially in remote communities, will be part of the first priority group to receive the vaccines.
Details are slowly being announced and we will provide further information as we receive it.
Pic Mobert First Nation/Netmizaagamig Nishnaabeg
This will provide our citizens with an update on recent developments concerning COVID in the Marathon area, and actions being taken.
Barrick employees with possible contact with a positive case advised to self-isolate at home with their families.
As you are all aware, numerous people working at the Barrick mine site between November 21-29, 2020, were advised by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit yesterday to self-isolate at home with their families.
Based on information provided to us, this has only directly impacted one resident of Mobert.
Barrick has been working closely with the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and the Ministry of Labour on developing and implementing an enhanced response plan, and we are in regular communications with them.
We have been in discussions with Barrick on concerns about the high concentration of residents of Mobert who have health conditions that put them in a very high risk category throughout the pandemic, and they have been considerate and supportive of our concerns and needs.
For example, due to the unique vulnerability of persons who live in Mobert, mine employees who live in Mobert will be given the option to remain at home (see separate notice to employees for further details). There are options for those who don’t live in Mobert but have special health risks or concerns. Our mining contract managers will be in contact with these employees to explain their options.
Mobert School to move to remote learning effective immediately and we will re-evaluate reopening the building after the Christmas vacation.
Our Education Department has not allowed employees living in Marathon and Manitouwadge to report to work at the school since positive cases were reported in those communities.
We are now aware that some mine employees from White River are now self-isolating.
As such, we have decided to move the elementary school students to remote learning until the Christmas vacation starts.
We will re-evaluate conditions over the holidays and announce plans for January as soon as possible.
Students will be contacted by school staff or can reach out directly to the school for assistance and information at any time.
It's important to understand what “self-isolation” really means.
The pandemic team is asking all community members who have been contacted as a high-risk exposure to a case of COVID-19 to self-isolate with their families in their own home for 14 days from the latest date of a potential contact.
This request has been issued to help limit the spread of COVID-19, and reduce the risk of spreading the illness to others, which can spread even by some people who are not experiencing symptoms.
If you have been advised by the Health Unit, your doctor, other health care official or your employer to self-isolate, it’s important that you are clear on what that means.
Self-isolation means not leaving your home unless seeking medical care, and only when absolutely necessary.
Self-isolation is to stay home: Do not go outside, unless you can avoid having contact with others
Do not have visitors in your home, avoid contact with others, especially avoiding the elderly and anyone with compromised immune systems or have chronic conditions.
Do not travel to any other communities unless its absolutely necessary, and please don’t allow anyone to visit you unless its absolutely necessary – and then always using social distancing, masks and handwashing and sanitizing.
Keep any unavoidable interactions with people brief, maintaining the 2 meters of physical distance from them while wearing a mask
Do not go to the store, please have a friend or family member pick up supplies for you. If you are in need of food or other supplies, please contact the health center and we can make sure you get your essentials.
Mobert residents who have been ordered to self-isolate should contact the Health Centre for assistance.
Our heath team will provide you with supporting including:
Education on how to live safely while in self-isolation; and
Access to food and other essential supplies.
List of Contacts at the Health Centre for essential needs:
Shelly Livingston cell: 807 632 6543
Rosalind Andrews cell: 807 228 0978
Jorge Urban cell:807 228 3544
If you are experiencing symptoms please call the following health care providers who can direct you on next steps:
MaryLou Kobzick, CHN cell 705 852 0243
Marathon Family Health Team COVID Assessment Centre: 807 229 3243, but you may also email appointments@mfht.org and they will be able to respond if it’s difficult to get through by phone during peak hours.
This is a particularly tough time for our area during COVID
This is the worst it’s been for our area during COVID.
According to the Marathon family health team, it is now clear that COVID is circulating through the community, not just at the mine site.
It’s normal to be afraid and feel out of control.
We need to keep working together to support one another.
Please keep reaching out to our Health and Social teams through the Health Centre if you need any sort of support.
If you see someone struggling or not cooperating, please contact about that too.
We have come a long way – our best defense now is in our own behaviours. Follow the precautions, think about others, and don’t take any unnecessary risks.
Please be assured that our pandemic team is monitoring conditions closely and making changes to our precautions and operations as is required.
Our leadership are also staying in close contact and relaying your observations and concerns.
We’ve all been working throughout the weekend and will continue to do so in order to keep people informed and safe.
In the meantime, it’s important that we all stay kind to one another; sometimes our employees have to deliver advice and messages that cause inconvenience and stress. Sometimes they wont have an immediate answer to your questions but they will get back to you. We are all doing our best to keep you safe.
Management & Leadership
Netimizaagamig Nishnaabeg
December 06, 2020 Update:
Notice to all White Lake LP and Pic Mobert FN Employees Working at the Barrick Hemlo Mine Site
As you are all aware, numerous people working at the Barrick mine site between November 21-29, 2020, were advised by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit to self-isolate at home with their families.
(Please refer to picmobert.ca or our various Facebook pages for information on how to access support from our Health Centre during self-isolation).
Also, based on information circulated by the Marathon Family Health Team, we need to assume that the virus is now circulating through the community of Marathon and there is community transmission. That means that people may have been exposed to the virus outside of the mine site. As such higher levels of precautions need to be followed by all residents of Mobert, Marathon and other area communities.
We have discussed with Barrick the ongoing particularly high level of risks within Mobert due to the many citizens who have health conditions that make them particularly vulnerable.
In light of the very concerning situation that has been developing at the Hemlo mine site, and due to the particularly high health risks in Mobert, Barrick has agreed to allow persons employed by Pic Mobert First Nation and those employed by White Lake LP who work at the Hemlo mine site, and who live in Mobert, to remain away from work until such time as all of the possible cases associated with the mine have been cleared.
For our employees that live in Marathon or other communities, you are expected to report to work as scheduled. However, if your physician is advising you that its safer to stay home now than report to work due to your own health issues or any other persons who you reside with, please provide us with a doctor’s note to this effect and you too will be able to remain away from work.
If you do not have any particular health issues but are just not feeling safe enough to go to work, then you are still able to utilize any paid leave you are entitled to (e.g. vacation) or take unpaid leave – there are employment insurance programs that are available to you in these cases.
Please understand that the option for you to not to report to work is being provided to protect you from health risks, and as such if you decide to stay away from work, you must maintain safe practices such as:
Minimizing contact with persons outside of your household
Not leaving your home community unless it is absolutely necessary
Not travelling to other communities, especially Thunder Bay or outside of Northern Ontario, and putting off any visits from people who are travelling from Thunder Bay or outside of Northern Ontario
Not holding any sort of social gatherings
Sending only one person for any essential outings vs. the whole family to do grocery shopping, to get gas, etc.
Closely monitoring yourself and the other members of your household for any symptoms of COVID, and if so immediately contacting the Thunder Bay District Health Unit at 1-888-294-6630, or the Pic Mobert Health Centre at (807) 822-2625 -
Keep using masks and social distancing!
Remember, simply staying away from work is NOT ENOUGH. You can quickly undermine any benefits of this by not following precautions as set out above.
PMFN or WLLP mine employees who are residents of Mobert and others who have high health risks supported by a doctor’s note (that is provided to us in advance) will be paid, but only if you consistently follow the above noted conditions and precautions. Any reports of non-compliance will be investigated and acted on with strong disciplinary action.
Any of our employees who want to stay home must contact their supervisor before their scheduled shift so that another person can be scheduled to cover off in your absence.
This is the worst that it has been in our area during this pandemic. Please continue to be kind to one another, keep using all safety precautions and be patient – hopefully the current level of activity will settle within the next couple of weeks.
Pic Mobert First Nation
White Lake LP
The purpose of this report is to provide an update to the community on our First Nation’s response to changing conditions in the COVID pandemic in our area.
Pandemic Team Meeting at Least Weekly
Our Pandemic Team, which includes our various department managers and the CEO, as well as any available members of Council and outside resource people, has been meeting on a weekly basis and as required, to monitor and respond to changing conditions.
The Pandemic Team meetings provide an opportunity to share information and develop recommendations that are consistent with our COVID By-Law that are then forwarded to the Council for review and approval.
Occasionally, if an urgent situation arises, and a Council meeting cannot be arranged quickly, then the CEO will make a decision and forward this for the review and approval of the Council at a later date.
COVID By-Law is Still in Full Force and Effect
The COVID by-law that was passed by the Council earlier this year is still in full force and effect.
Please refer to attached copy of the COVID By-Law.
All of our citizens and permitted visitors are reminded that in Mobert, social distancing and the use of masks when social distancing is not possible, is mandatory and is our law.
In the interest of the health and well-being of our community, we will be working closely with the APS to enforce all of the terms and conditions of this by-law.
Your continued cooperation is very appreciated – this is only for the protection of our citizens.
If you notice someone isn’t following the precautions, please help out by giving them a gentle reminder. If you are concerned, please call the Health Centre and report your concerns.
Response to COVID Cases Reported in Marathon – We are moving to Stage 2 – CONTROLLED ACCESS
As our citizens are likely aware, there are currently 3 active COVID cases in Marathon.
We understand that this is very concerning for our citizens and as such, the Council has accepted and approved the following response plan:
Mobert will move to Stage 2 – Controlled Access – effective at midnight, December 2, 2020 for the next 2 weeks after which we will reconsider and update as required – this means that:
All Mobert residents are strongly advised to avoid non-essential trips to Marathon until further notice and should consider White River or other communities for grocery shopping and accessing other essential goods and services
All non-essential staff who reside in Marathon will be required to work from home until further notice – Managers will identify who is an essential staff with the CEO, and this will include most of our Health and Social teams
Any employees who are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with COVID are required to stay away from work until their symptoms resolve (this has been effect for several months now)
All non-essential employee trips to Marathon are cancelled – employees are directed to utilize shops and services from White River or Manitouwadge (or other communities except Thunder Bay) until further notice
Only essential service providers will be allowed to enter the community, and even then they will be subject to strict screening procedures
Any visits to Mobert by non-residents, including immediate family and friends, should be avoided if possible
All persons entering Mobert will be subjected to a full screening including completing a COVID questionnaire and temperature screening – we will also ask if they were in Marathon and provide advice on not travelling there for the short-term
Highschool students will continue under remote learning until after the Christmas holidays
The Mobert school will remain open – Marathon staff will work from home and remaining staff will be reallocated to ensure proper coverage for students
The medical van will continue operations - additional precautionary procedures will be implemented (e.g. protective coverings in the vehicles, increased cleaning/sterilizing procedures) – we will continue to liaise with the Marathon Family Health team on any modifications to appointment schedules
In addition to these measures, our citizens who are under a physicians care should consult with their physician on any additional measures that they should follow.
Restrictions on Travel to/From Thunder Bay:
The Thunder Bay District Health Unit yesterday reported 100 active cases, which includes 28 new cases reported over the weekend related to an outbreak in a long term care facility.
While the entire Thunder Bay District Health Unit area including Mobert remains under a “Yellow” zone, we are concerned that with the growing number of cases in Thunder Bay and therefore are maintain the following procedures:
All Mobert residents should continue to avoid all non-essential travel to Thunder Bay and outside of Northern Ontario until further notice.
Essential travel would include trips to attend an important medical appointment, access counselling or other similar services that you cannot complete over a video or conference call, to visit someone in your immediate family who is seriously ill (if you are can confirm that you will be allowed to visit them in hospital, etc.), to attend a funeral, and others (please consult with our Health Dept. for further guidance)
Persons who need to make an essential trip to Thunder Bay or outside of Northern Ontario must:
Contact our Health Department (Shelly Livingston, Manager) before the travel to receive instructions and guidance;
Provide us with information on your travel plans including departure and return dates;
On return, complete a COVID screening questionnaire and temperature scan; and
Contact the Health Manager immediately on your return for further instructions, which may include self-isolation and/or a COVID test, if precautions and conditions of travel were not followed.
Persons who make non-essential trips (e.g shopping, visits) to Thunder Bay or outside of Northern Ontario will be required to self-isolate for 14 days or until such time as they have provided a negative COVID test.
No non-essential visitors from Thunder Bay are permitted, and in the event of an essential visitor, non-residents must self-isolate for 14 days or until such time as they have provided a negative COVID test.
In addition, no visitors from outside of all other areas of Northern Ontario, including Manitoba, will be permitted at this time for any reason.
COVID Testing
COVID testing is available in Mobert through the Community Health Nurse from Dilico.
Staff are also organizing another community testing clinic (tentatively for December 14) at which time any community member can request a test.
Over 30 people were tested in the testing clinic held in November, and no positive cases were reported.
We are also working with Barrick on a new rapid testing clinic that should be available later in December. This clinic will be able to provide test results within approximately 60 minutes.
We will be requiring all of our staff to complete regular testing and any of our citizens will be able to access testing.
Appointments will be coordinated through our Health Centre in Mobert.
Upcoming Funeral
Sadly, several families have experienced the loss of loved ones in the recent months and weeks.
We understand how important it is to be with family during these difficult times, and as such we will continue to allow funerals but under strict rules:
All visitors will be subject to the COVID by-law and the measures explained in this update.
The maximum number of people allowed in the church at any time is 30 persons.
All persons must continue to use masks and social distancing
There should be no congregating of large groups at the entrance to the churce
A member of the family will be required to take responsibility for adhering to these rules. PMFN staff will monitor and request compliance with the rules;
In recognition of the sacrifices that families experiencing losses have made during COVID, the Council will plan a community memorial service during the 2021 community week or pow wow.
Details will follow in the future.
We appreciate your consideration and cooperation in these difficult times.
We know that these are stressful times and need you to continue to understand that we must always protect our citizens from known health risks, especially our Elders and more vulnerable persons.
Please continue to be kind to your family, friends, neighbours and our Council and staff who are working hard to keep us all safe.
Gimaa Kwe and Council
Netmizaagamig Nishnaabeg
Notice to Pic Mobert Highschool Students re Classes for November 25-27, 2020
In light of the reported COVID case in Marathon, and in consideration of the immediate heightened risks that this presents, students will not be transported to Marathon for the remainder of this week and will instead be focused on remote learning.
School representatives will contact all students with further instructions in the morning.
We will review the situation on Friday and provide further updates on plans for next week.
Miigwetch for your cooperation
Pic Mobert First Nation Education Department
The purpose of this report is to update our citizens on recent activities and development with respect to the COVID pandemic conditions:
The COVID/pandemic planning committee, which includes all program managers and our new health and safety manager, Jack Williams, has been meeting weekly to monitor conditions and update the pandemic plan and measures as required
The entry gate remains in place - some recent changes include:
An actual gate structure has been installed
Our guards have completed safety and procedural training of all guards and are equipped with seasonally-appropriate PPE
Gate guards are now administering screening questionnaires for all non-residents
Effective this week, there will be 2 guards on duty during all shifts
A heated security building will be installed in the near future
All public buildings remain locked and open only be appointment or screened entry
Managers have been mandated to ensure that their respective staff and visitors to their buildings are using masks, and will be held accountable for non-compliance
Local PPE (e.g. masks, hand sanitizer) stocks are good and being managed by the Community Health Representative – please contact the health centre if you need any supplies
The number of cases in the Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) are continuing to climb – there were 78 cases as of yesterday.
Community-wide testing was completed in Mobert on November 17 - about 35 people completed tests and as of today, we have not been advised of any results, negative or positive. Positive results would be conveyed to the Thunder Bay District Health Unit (TBDHU) – our health staff will stay in close communications with the TBDHU and ISC communicate any developments to us immediately;
A resident of Marathon who works at Barrick has tested positive for COVID:
The individual who tested positive has not been on the mine site for 12 days
There were 6 persons contacted by the TBDHU who may have been in contact with this individual – they are awaiting their results and have been directed to self-quarantine – to our knowledge, none of these are residents of Mobert
The risk to other employees has been characterized as “low” as employees have continued to follow safety protocols (masks, distancing, hygiene, etc).;
TBDHU will be visiting the mine site today or tomorrow to review operating procedures and recommend any changes that my be required.
Based on current conditions, we are implementing the following additional measures:
All residents are STRONGLY advised to avoid all non-essential travel outside of the immediate area, Northern Ontario and in particular Thunder Bay, Southern Ontario and Manitoba – this means you should NOT BE TRAVELLING TO THESE AREAS unless it is absolutely necessary (e.g. for an essential medical appointment or to accompany a family member to an appointment) – if you need to travel with a family member for an essential trip, only persons who must be present should travel; and
Effective immediately, all persons arriving in Mobert will be required to:
Provide contact information (name, phone number);
Complete a temperature screening with the temperature recorded;
Answer the question “Where are you returning from today”?
Persons who are returning from Thunder Bay or any point outside of Northern Ontario will be required to:
i. Declare this on arrival to Mobert, and
ii. Complete a pre-entry COVID screening form; and
iii. To self-isolate for 14 days (or until a negative COVID test is provided) and be required to complete a COVID test or rapid test, when available;
All non-residents will also continue to be required to complete a pre-entry COVID screening questionnaire.
Please allow extra time when travelling in and out of Mobert to allow for these extra procedures.
All of our citizens are reminded that:
Use of masks in Mobert is mandatory whenever entering public buildings or when you are in situations where social distancing is not possible; and
Continue to practice social distancing, maintaining a minimum of 3 m (6’) between yourself and others;
The maximum size of any gathering is 10, but movement between households should be kept to a minimum – our programs will be pausing group sessions for the time being;
Please try to minimize visits to Mobert by family and friends and remember that all visitors will be subject to our screening procedures at the gate.
We understand that these measures may cause delays when entering the community and perhaps disrupt your plans for social and holiday shopping trips. We hope that you understand that these are necessary to ensure the continued protection of our citizens.
For further information or guidance, please contact the Health Centre – Shelly Livingston (Health Manager) or Jorge Urban (Community Health Representative) (807) 822-2625. Or send an email to covidhelp@picmobert.ca
We will keep you apprised of further developments as they become known to us.
for archived community information.