Education Administrator:
Monique Brownlee
Phone : (416) 571-6625
Email : monique.brownlee@picmobert.ca
Lori Guinchard
Phone: (807) 822-2011 ext 102
Email: lori.guinchard@picmobert.ca
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday
8:30 am to 3:30 pm. (Staff)
9:00 am to 3:00 pm (Students)
(lunch 12:00 p.m. – 12:40 p.m.)
Phone: (807) 822-2011
Fax: (807) 822-2710
JK/SK Jennifer Huston
Email: Jennifer.huston@picmobert.ca
EA: Amber Edwards, Dayna Desmoulin
Grades 1/2/3 Kaitlyn Smith
Email: kaitylyn.smith@picmobert.ca
EA: Deb Duplessis, Erin McWatch
Grade 4/5/6: Nancy Howel
Email- Nancy.Howell@picmobert.ca
EA: Chrissy Desmoulin; Samantha Mikus
Grade 7/8; Poonam Arora
Email: Poonam.arora@picmobert.ca
EA: Elizabeth Paucaud and Alannis Duguay
Denise Gaudette
Phone: (807) 822-2011 ext 101
Email: Denise.Gaudette@picmobert.ca
Language and Cultural Instructor:  
Custodians: Maria Sabourin, Rhya Constantin
Youth Engagement Worker Josh Hamilton
Academic At a Glance Calendar 2024-2025
Student Success Coordinator
Amber Devereaux
Application for Laptop from Council; Submit Completed forms to Amber Devereaux
Barrick Operating Corporation & Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg Capacity Building Scholarships
The BOC & Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg “Capacity Building Scholarship” is awarded to select Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg students who have been leaders and role models in their school and community.
The “Capacity Building Scholarship” seeks to assist students financially who demonstrate a balanced lifestyle and commitment to a post-secondary education in the list of studies.
Scholarship applications will be accepted from students who are registered band members of Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg and who are currently enrolled at a full-time public post secondary institution in Canada.
Students must be passing all courses and on track to graduate in the year stated on their post-secondary application. Students pursuing an education in environmental sciences, mining, business, engineering, trades and technology sectors will be considered priority applicants.
General Admission students are also encouraged to apply.
How to Apply
The following information must be included to be considered for the scholarships:
1. Completed application form
2. Reference letter from a teacher or faculty member
3. Cover letter describing why you are a good candidate for the scholarship
4. Current transcript for the year of study, September 2023 – April 2024.
For further information, please contact Amber Devereaux at amber.devereaux@picmobert.ca. Please send your completed scholarship package before May 31, 2024 to at amber.devereaux@picmobert.ca
TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples Link Below
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