Pic Mobert Hydro Inc, operator of the Gitchi Animki Hydroelectric Project on the White River has filed an Addendum proposing a modification in the allocation of flows during the walleye spawning and incubation periods.
The addendum will be available for review as of Tuesday April 20, 2021. Due to covid-19 restrictions, the addendum is only available in electronic format and can be viewed here.
Any reviewer has the right to request that the modification to the project be elevated to an Environmental Review or an individual EA. Any such requests, including reasons, must be submitted to the Director of the Environmental Assessment Branch (EAAB) in writing, with a copy sent to the proponent, by May 19, 2021, which is 30 calendar days from the filing date.
EAAB Address:
The Director, Environmental Assessment Branch;
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks;
135 St. Clair Avenue West,
Toronto, ON M4V 1P5.
Email: Kathleen.oneill@ontario.ca.
Proponent Contact: Trion Clarke, Snr Environmental Expert, BBA Inc, 10 Carlson Court, Etobicoke, ON M9W 6L2.
Email: trion.clarke@bba.ca
Pic Mobert Mobert Hydro Inc. (PMHI), a partnership which comprises the Gitchi Animki Energy LP (Pic Mobert First Nation (Pic Mobert)) and White River Hydro LP (Regional Power Inc. (Regional Power)) currently operates two hydroelectric power generating facilities on the White River in northwestern Ontario which generate 18.9 MW of energy.
The overall name of the Project is the Gitchi Animki Hydroelectric Project (hereinafter referred to as the Project). The two generating facilities are approximately 12 km apart on the
river. The upper facility (Gitchi Animki, Bezhig) is located approximately 3.2 km downstream from the site of the former White Lake Dam and the other (Gitchi Animki, Niizh) approximately 1.6 km downstream from Chicagonce Falls. The Gitchi Animki Bezhig site has replaced the former White Lake Dam as the means of controlling water levels in White Lake.
Pic Mobert First Nation is engaged in numerous energy conservation programs to help community members reduce their energy expenses. In addition, there are many programs available for all residents in Ontario through various organizations and programs, some for low-income families and some for all residents living in Ontario.
Listed below is information and links to apply for various energy conservation programs.
Save on Energy - Home Assistance Program
Out-of-date household items and appliances can make electricity bills more expensive for your home or social housing property. The Save on Energy Home Assistance Program offers free energy-efficiency upgrades for income-eligible homeowners and tenants, and eligible social housing providers, as well as an in-home energy assessment to help uncover more ways to save.
Click here for more information and how to apply for the Save on Energy Home Assistance Program.
Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP)
The Ontario Electricity Support Program (OESP) is a monthly, on-bill credit ranging from $45 to $113 per month. The program is available to all low-income customers in the province. If you’re a customer of an electricity utility and have a total household income that falls below a certain limit, you may qualify for a reduction on your electricity bill through the OESP. It’s also available to people living in homes that have sub-meters (apartments, condos, co-ops and trailers, for example) where each unit has an individual meter and the resident's electricity bill comes from a company other than their utility.
Click here for more information and how to apply for the Ontario Electricity Support Program.
Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
If you’re behind on your electricity or natural gas bill and face having your service disconnected, you may qualify for emergency financial help through the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). LEAP pays up to $500 of the amount owing on the bill ($600 if the home is heated electrically). This is a one-time (per year) emergency payment only. There are also special customer service rules available for low-income households. You need to meet certain criteria to qualify for these programs, and must go through one of the intake agencies in Ontario.
AffordAbility Fund
Do you pay an electricity bill in Ontario? If so, you qualify! The AffordAbility Fund is here to help Ontarians who pay an electricity bill ease what they spend on electricity. Take a few minutes to enrol and find out what you qualify for, from FREE ENERGY STAR® light bulbs, a power bar and/or faucet aerators to ENERGY STAR® appliances and home energy plans and upgrades.
Click here for more information and how to apply for the AffordAbility Fund.
Use your dishwasher and dryer early in the morning, in the evening or on weekends when electricity rates are lower.
Only run full loads in the dishwasher.
Use an outdoor clothesline during summer to save electricity.
When buying a new washing machine, look for an ENERGY STAR qualified front-load model to reduce water use by almost 45% and energy use by about 65%.
Do laundry only when you have a full load.
Refrigerators are one of the biggest electricity users in the home, so it pays to consider an ENERGY STAR qualified model.
The ENERGY STAR symbol on a new fridge means:
It is at least 15% more energy-efficient than the minimum standards set federally.
Uses half as much electricity as a fridge that's 10 years old.
Cooling and Heating Your Home
In the summer, set your central air conditioner (CAC) for 25°C when you are home, and 28°C when away. Or, if you can, turn it off.
Service your central air system annually.
Clean or replace the furnace filter once a month to keep it operating efficiently. A clogged filter impedes furnace performance.
Have a licensed HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) professional service your furnace yearly to ensure it is operating at maximum efficiency.
Phantom Power
Electronic devices left plugged in, even when turned off, still draw power. It's called phantom power or standby power, and it's costing you money. Plug electronics into a power bar with a timer or auto shut-off and make sure they are off during periods of inactivity.
By reducing this unnecessary power use, you could help save up to 20% on your electricity use.
Seasonal Tips
Check for gaps. Weather-strip around doors, fireplace dampers, attic hatches and air conditioners. Reducing drafts, can save up to 30% a year on heating costs.
Choose energy-efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) when you need to replace light bulbs.